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Upcoming Shows


Past Shows

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Fitz Regent

It's always an amazing feeling getting a message out of the blue by fellow musicians saying they love your sound, and then being asked if you could support them. So here we are, announcing the upcoming gig on the 4th of December 2023 at the @thefitzregent and we'll be supporting the wonderful @twopounds.down


Come down, have a drink, and feast your ears

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Social Stereo

Our Saturday band bash. Buzzing and full of energy. Indie bands! Student drinks available (NUSย card needed) every Saturday at The Lewes Road Inn

- Mic Records

Jemp Lalion have been generously invited to play in Social Stereo's band showcase presented by Mic Records at The Lewes Road Inn - we will be bringing 100% of our energy to this one and will ensure an audience of melted minds.

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Jemp Lalion + Iguana Country + Archie & Chris Wardy

Opening with Archie Lewis & Chris Wardy, their music effortlessly fuses blues and rock, alternating between electric and acoustic guitars, delivering a genre-blurring experience that resonates deeply.

Following up is Iguana Country, a four piece alternative rock band from Brighton. Inspired by the likes of My Chemical Romance, Paramore and Muse, they look to illuminate any stage they're on with devotion to putting on a show.

Headlining are Jemp Lalion, an alternative rock band who defies convention with diverse time signatures and atmospheric sounds that create an immersive musical experience, taking you on a journey to unique dimensions.

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Jemp Lalion + Archie + Chris Wardy

Join the epic Jemp Lalion and the brilliant duo of Archie Lewis and Social Wildcardโ€™s Chris Wardy for what promises to be a night of musical exploration and expression. From the blues, to grunge, jazz, and psychedelic alt rock; you will not be left disappointed.

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Band Showcase

This is your chance to see 5 awesome brighton bands, have fun on a weds and help build this event, Every fortnight the Hare and Hound pub on london rd will be hosting this awesome showcase.

- The Glitterbombs
- Jemp lalion
- Broken window theory
- Mike fillery and the other two.

Come along and support live music.

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Jemp Lalion + SlowWave

Embark on a mind-altering journey through celestial soundscapes with Jemp Lalion, an electrifying alternative rock collective from Brighton.

With a seamless fusion of atmospheric psychedelia and edgy rock elements, they craft a sonic universe that transports listeners to the outer reaches of imagination. Fueling their cosmic voyage is an unconventional mastery of uncommon time signatures, injecting their compositions with a hypnotic, otherworldly allure.

As ethereal melodies intertwine with intricate rhythms, Jemp Lalion weaves a tapestry of sonic experimentation that transcends the boundaries of conventional rock music.


SlowWave are a brand new indie rock group inspired by The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Smiths, Mac Demarco, and Pink Floyd. With an original setlist and captivating stage presence, they deliver a fresh blend of timeless influences and contemporary sound.

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The Rossi Bar presents House of Plenty

House of Plenty have once again invited us to play at The Rossi Bar alongside rock/pop/punk band Rottweiler.

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The Bee's Mouth presents House of Plenty

Brighton based 5 piece rock band House of Plenty have generously invited us to play our debut gig at The Bee's Mouth alongside folk/blues act Chris Wardy.

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